Friday, January 3, 2020
How Does the Presence of a Confucian Culture Affect the...
In 1979 the third word-wide wave of democratization was due to the overthrow of Portuagese dictatorship in Europe which spread to Asia during the 1980s. The third word-wide wave of democratization did not however affect the undemocratic East Asian countries as they challenged the notion of demoratization and avocated â€Å"Asian Values†. Asian values refers to the strong traditional cultural values such as Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism which co-exists in East Asian societies. The purpose of this essay is to explore Confucian culture and how it may affect the operation of democracy in East Asia. Confucianism is tradition of political and social thought named after the scholar Kongzi (Confucius 551-479 B.C), it is still widely practiced/†¦show more content†¦Huntington states in order for democracy to take roots in a Confucian society, undemocratic elements in Confucianism must be superseded by democratic elements.According to Schumpeter the definition of democracy the democratic method is that institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the people’s vote.4 Most Asian countries avocate â€Å"Asian vaules†such as Confucianism which has been central to Chinas political and social system for many years. Democracy can not exist without individual liberty, equality and pluralism these values are opposite to Confucian values and therefore conflict may arise. It is vital that East Asians have other options and do not necessarly have to choose between a democratic society and their strong Confucian heritage. The idea of â€Å"Confucian Democracy†for those who oppose it maybe considered an oxymoron, although for confucian societies it is a better alternative than democracy. Confucian democracy â€Å"modernizes Confucianism with democratic values and modifies democracy with Confucian concerns†1.Equality and freedom is a universal democratic value which all people are entitled to, many theorist have argued due to democracy societies can experience economical growth 2Zhengxu Wang argues â€Å"it does not matter whether there is a Confucian Asia orShow MoreRelatedEssay on Global Business Cultural Analysis: Singapore5463 Words  | 22 Pagescomplexities of the relationship the US should consider before deciding to conduct business in Singapore. 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